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Linebacker Coy Wire

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
On playing Miami
I think that this team has a lot of good character guys. First thing that was brought to our attention this morning was that Miami's lost I think it was four games by three points or less. We are rivals. Everybody knows that it's always going to be a good game with them and they're hungry. Their backs are to the wall so I think we'd be foolish to look ahead and not worry about them.
On if it is satisfying receiving more national attention
I know that all the adversity our team has faced has forced us to come together, be resilient as a team, trust in each other and believe in each other. All the outside forces that may come into play with them moving our game and getting a little more attention is great. It's great not just for our team, but our community. Buffalo deserves to be in the light a little bit. I think it's great for us, because we play hard football and Western New York is great. That's what football is all about. Our whole community and this atmosphere are special. I think it's great that we're getting some national attention. Keep rolling and who knows where it could stop.
On the transitions he has made through playing different positions
I believe that they brought me back for another contract to be able to be at the position I am now. I realize that so I'm open and accepting to wherever they need me to play. If someone gets hurt I'll do my best to make sure I can get the job done until our guys can get back our there. But our team has to be somewhat remnant to other teams because they're probably wondering what we're doing. Marshawn [Lynch] throwing a touchdown pass and me as number 27 lined up at middle linebacker. They're probably confused about what's going on, but we have a group of guys who are selfless and will do whatever needs to be done for the team. I think that's a testament to the type of players that they've been bringing in the past couple of years. It's really been paying off for us especially this season.
On if he is comfortable playing middle linebacker
I am because I really wanted to prepare myself, because the way the season has gone, one would say that odds are that someone could get hurt and if John DiGiorgio went done I wanted to be able to go in. Our defense is playing at a high level and I didn't want there to be a drop-off at any position especially one that I was filling in one so I've been working hard, studying, getting in the book and being able to be where I need to be within our scheme.
On filling in big shoes left behind by DiGiorgio
Yes, JD is playing good football. He's so disciplined and he's a workaholic. He knows the defense very well so having him get knocked out there towards the end of the game was a blow to us, but hopefully he'll be back. I understand he's doing pretty well so having him back out there with us on Sunday is going to be good to keep things moving smoothly for the defense that's been playing well.
On the rivalry versus Miami
As a captain I definitely when something needs to be said, I'll say it. With this group of guys it's easy, because as I said before it's a group who really takes things seriously and we don't take anything for granted. Guys are here really to put in what the organization expects them to put in and it's a group that's great to be a part of. And that's why we've been able to come back from some adversity that we've had this year and still perform well these past few games.
On if he is worried this team will look past Miami
In past years I probably would. But again with this group it's not a question. We have guys that are here until nine o'clock at night and we have guys meeting outside, getting groups together, the defensive backs and linebackers are meeting once a week. We get together and do some fellowship, get some food, but we're sitting in front of the game film, going over our calls. It hasn't happened here before so it's those types of things that have enabled this team to put ourselves in a position to be ready when an opportunity is there. That's what in the NFL is so important; you'll have an opportunity having prepared well enough to take advantage of it when it hits. And I think in the past maybe we weren't quite prepared or worthy of having that play go our way or having the game go for us. So with this group, I think that's the reason we've been able to win some games.
On overcoming the size as a middle linebacker
It's a mental challenge. You really are the quarterback of the defense. Coach [Perry] Fewell does such a good job of knowing what defensive calls that we have match up well against their offense, offensive scheme and their plays. And he does a pretty good job of putting us in just about the perfect call against their offensive formations or plays. But it's the job as the middle linebacker to be able to put us in that check, because they might come out in a different formation at first and they have to get us lined up the way that Coach Fewell would like us to be lined up. So as a middle linebacker I think that's the biggest challenge more than physical. Being able to know what the offense is going to do, being able to get the other 10 guys in the right spot to enable us to play that particular play to the best of our ability and that we can.
On proving themselves as a playoff contender
I remember when I first came in, it was a shock to me because coming from Stanford we won not because we looked good on paper, but because we had good team chemistry and guys cared about the game and each other. We didn't have that at first. It was a shock to me and disheartening. It seemed like each year it got a little better and especially these last couple years, the guys that they've retained, the guys that they've let go has really worked to our benefit. We have a really good group of guys and I'm sure you guys have seen. Just the type of talk that goes on in the locker room and you see there's a type of bond with these guys. And personally I think that's one of the most important things because everyone has talent at this level. What sets you apart I believe is guys who really buy into each other and buy into what the coaches are trying to do with the team and players that you have. This group is definitely special and it's really good to be a part of.

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