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What they're saying: Bills-Jets postgame comments



Q: Given you guys aren't going to the postseason, how good did it feel to keep the division rival out?

A: Definitely was a big game for us. Opportunity to sweep another divisional team, we knew going into this game, there was definitely a lot of us for us to learn from the season, but it was more so just attitudes that are going into next year and we went out there and got the job done.

Q:  Sammy said that you guys kind of captured the attitude you need to carry into a game today, did you sense that and is that something to take into 2016?

A: Yes and that was something that we stressed earlier in the week. I mean you could listen to I guess the media you could say or just the people outside our locker room saying we don't have anything to play for. But as an athlete anytime you step on the field you always have something to play for, something to prove to people. With us not being in the playoffs it was definitely a time for us to go out there and prove to people who we are and that we are not going to back down and give the Jets a free way into the playoffs. We was able to lock in and play a full game, offense, defense and special teams.

Q: This is the first time in your pro career that you know you are going to be the starter next year, what is your mindset to work with the receivers, what are you going to do in the offseason away from the coaches?

A:  Excited about that opportunity. Coming into last year the reps where spilt by three different guys. Wasn't able to work with Sammy [Watkins], Shady [LeSean McCoy], [Charles] Clay the way I wanted too. I am excited for that opportunity, the guys are excited for it and we have talked about it. Definitely going to get a lot of confidence this offseason going into next year.


Q: In light of how the season went then you have a day like this – is there any part of you saying why couldn't there be more games like this?

A: Yep. No question about it. You'd love to have some do overs because I really thought this game, it was gonna come down to this game to put us in and I felt great about some things. Like we defended our home. We won four at a row at home. We felt great about that but it's like man, I wish we had a couple things go our way. But you know what, you gotta earn everything you get in this league and that'll be something that hopefully we learn from.


Q: What were your thoughts on the Sammy Watkins/Darrell Revis match up? Both heading into the game and post-game. **

A: Well I thought it was a great match up. One of those classic ones. You got, in my opinion this young man is one of the best receivers in football and the league will recognize it next year when he's healthy for a full 16 games. And you'll see the numbers and you'll see everything else. The guy is a great football player. We knew it was gonna be a battle. I think Revis knows, this kid's got elite speed. There is no question about it and Revis wasn't gonna get beat on top. So I think we thought we had a chance to throw the ball underneath a few times and we did.


Q: What's the meaning of finishing this way in what has been a tough year overall?

A: You have good and bad games. But for this one, we just played. We didn't care about calls or what defense Rex run or what offense called. We just came out there and played and we didn't care what was going on outside with penalties or anything. Our job was to go out there and get a win and that's what we did and we prepared the right way during the week. We had fun during the week and we had fun during the game.


Q: Do you think that's an attitude you and this team can carry into next year?**

A: Yeah, we have no choice. If somebody doesn't live up to the hype or play the way they should play, like I said, get them out of here. And now, I think everybody understands that we can win. It's not about winning. We just have to come together as a team and do what the coaches ask us to do. And do the job to the best of your ability and get the win.

Q: How evident was it to you that [Darrelle] Revis was not going to let you beat him over the top?

A: I've been getting the same coverage for the last few weeks. Tyrod [Taylor] has been doing a great job with deep shots. We get 15-yard gains until you come up and then let's take bigger shots. And that was the game plan—run the ball, play action. The line did a great job, the running backs did a great job and, of course, Tyrod just keeps getting better and we just keep connecting.

Q: Was this what you had in mind after the Washington game when you said some strong things and showed leadership?

A: That's my job. I think I need to become a better leader. And I think if I do that this team will be better. We need more leaders on this team. We have a lot of great players but we don't have that many leaders. I think it starts with the players that make plays and the players that don't make plays. We just need to hold accountability in the whole locker room, from the coaches, to the players, to everybody. Once we do that, we'll be fine as a whole team. We just have to keep playing football.


Q: Would you prefer a new scheme?

A: I think the biggest thing is as far as the scheme goes across the board we all just have to digest it better and be better at it. And I think we can all be happy. Not just myself, but as a defense. Things went backwards as far as overall, for everybody. I mean, you guys look at stats so you can answer that yourselves so … I think the biggest thing is just being able to understand it and I don't know if being a little simpler will make things better. I don't know. Obviously I think it's a defensive effort on our side, and I think the stats show that for everybody.

Q: Is today the defensive effort that you wanted all season long?

A: I think the calls were definitely different in general. Especially that last play. That was a call from the field.  That was called from myself, and talking to the DB's. The play there that was originally called we ran that a few times … more than a few times before. And just getting input from players out there on the field because we're the ones who have to go out there and execute it. And it turned out great.

Q: How do you reflect on your time here in Buffalo?

A: It's been great. I think coming in … obviously I came in for a reason, to help put pressure on the quarterback. And then we were able to keep two guys that were obviously a big piece of the puzzle this offseason. Obviously one of our four went down being Kyle (Williams). It's been great.



Q: How inspired were you to knock them out of the playoffs?

A: It's there, they had a playoff chance and we knocked them out. More so than knocking them out we won and that takes precedence over everything.

Q: It looked like you were prepared for everything they came at you with today.

A: A lot of it had to do with trust. From player to coach and coach to player. We went out there and we got a feel for them, we felt exactly what they were trying to do and then we communicated to the coach and told them what we think what would work better for us and our coaches trust us to go out there and get it done.


Q: Comment on the interception.

A: Yeah, we knew that we knew they needed some big plays. D-line … got to credit those guys. Those guys were getting him off the spot back there, getting him nervous from all the big hits they gave him so, guys in the back end were just able to make plays off of that.


Q: On the play of the offensive line

A: This season, especially the second half has been encouraging for us (the offensive line). Hopefully we can stick together with this group, if not I'm sure they will give us pieces to put in place. I'm excited about the way we ended the season on the offensive line. Was it perfect? No. Were we tougher than in the past? Probably. We executed better, we blocked better and we had some pretty dang good running backs helping us out too. Tyrod (Taylor) being so athletic helps in the run game whether he has the ball or not. A lot of times he's holding a guy on the back side. There's a lot that goes into it but I'm proud of our guys.

Q: Today's game, did you want it as much for yourselves, for your fans, for Rex?

A: We fight each and every week for us, we fight for the fans, we fight for this community. We wish we could give this community a playoff game that's for sure. We know they're hungry for it, we're hungry for it but any win is fun in this league. It's nice to end the season with a little momentum.


Q: Rex got the vote of confidence from ownership what does it say about the team putting this win together for him?

A: It just shows that when we all buy in, I mean we can do some good things. Going into next year we got a lot to work on but it shows we can be a good team. 

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