Social Spotlight: Holidays 2017
In this special edition of Social Spotlight, brought to you by Fuel Up to Play 60, we take a look at how Bills spent the 2017 holiday season.

Gotta get them started early! Jones lining up his first kicks.

Despite the result today, we have a lot to be thankful for this Christmas season. God is good!

So much to be thankful for. I wish you have a merry Christmas with your loved ones. Happy holidays

I just love my family ... merry Christmas from the McCoy family ... thank you Lord for another great Christmas ...

Took a TOUGH loss today man, to a dam good team ... no doubt we'll find a way to bounce back, but this ones for all my family and friends that's stuck with me the whole way! The ones who believed in me when others didn't. SO much more to accomplish but this ones for you guys! #gofish#gobeavs#gobills!

Holiday festivities!

Congrats on setting goals and achieving them. Your hard work and dedication is paying off, not only as a mother but as a scholar. I appreciate & Love You ‼️ #FavNurse

Coye...6 months

Blessed to call this man my teammate, it's been a great pleasure learning from you this year Kyle W. #95Can't wait to make this run with ya! #futurehalloffamer

2015 - Eric Wood
Current Buffalo Bills radio personality Eric Wood was a terrific player, but even better community advocate. He was involved with numerous organizations, events and programs, and has set up The Eric Wood Fund to help raise money for chronically ill children and their families in Buffalo today.